After being completely blown away by the new Behemoth album I just updated my favorites. By the way, this section will be updated on a regular basis, even though I might not mention it here in the news, it is not really big news anyway. If you want to check out what I am into at the moment, just keep checking this section from time to time.
So what is on heavy rotation on my iphone right now? As mentioned, my clear fave is Behemoth's "The Satanist", what an incredible album. Aside from this one there seem to be the "Swedish weeks" on my phone, with all the other bands being from Sweden. Some old faves of mine made it back to the heavy rotation, along with the new Witherscape album, which I like a lot.
Concerning books, one of my fave books has always been Ken Follett's "Pillars of the earth" and now I started reading the sequel "World without end". So far it is a cool book, it reminds me a lot of Pillars though, maybe even a bit too much. Parallel to that book I am reading the Lucifer graphic Novels by Mike Carey, I absolutely love them. Lucifer has been my fave character from the Sandman graphic novels and this spin off is amazing.
And for people who are into TV series, make sure to check out Sherlock, I definitely enjoyed that one a lot.